vendor/symfony/web-profiler-bundle/Resources/views/Profiler/toolbar.html.twig line 1

  1. <!-- START of Symfony Web Debug Toolbar -->
    <div id="sfMiniToolbar-{{ token }}" class="sf-minitoolbar" data-no-turbolink>
        <button type="button" title="Show Symfony toolbar" id="sfToolbarMiniToggler-{{ token }}" accesskey="D" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sfToolbarMainContent-{{ token }}">
            {{ source('@WebProfiler/Icon/symfony.svg') }}
    <div id="sfToolbarClearer-{{ token }}" class="sf-toolbar-clearer"></div>
    <div id="sfToolbarMainContent-{{ token }}" class="sf-toolbarreset notranslate clear-fix" data-no-turbolink>
        {% for name, template in templates %}
            {% if block('toolbar', template) is defined %}
                {% with {
                    collector: profile ? profile.getcollector(name) : null,
                    profiler_url: profiler_url,
                    token: token ?? (profile ? profile.token : null),
                    name: name,
                    profiler_markup_version: profiler_markup_version,
                    csp_script_nonce: csp_script_nonce,
                    csp_style_nonce: csp_style_nonce
                  } %}
                    {{ block('toolbar', template) }}
                {% endwith %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% if full_stack %}
            <div class="sf-full-stack sf-toolbar-block sf-toolbar-block-full-stack sf-toolbar-status-red sf-toolbar-block-right">
                <div class="sf-toolbar-icon">
                    <span class="sf-toolbar-value">Using symfony/symfony is NOT supported</span>
                <div class="sf-toolbar-info sf-toolbar-status-red">
                    <p>This project is using Symfony via the "symfony/symfony" package.</p>
                    <p>This is NOT supported anymore since Symfony 4.0.</p>
                    <p>Even if it seems to work well, it has some important limitations with no workarounds.</p>
                    <p>Using this package also makes your project slower.</p>
                    <strong>Please, stop using this package and replace it with individual packages instead.</strong>
        {% endif %}
        <button class="hide-button" type="button" id="sfToolbarHideButton-{{ token }}" title="Close Toolbar" accesskey="D" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="sfToolbarMainContent-{{ token }}">
            {{ source('@WebProfiler/Icon/close.svg') }}
    <!-- END of Symfony Web Debug Toolbar -->