Error 404 Not Found


Forwarded to ErrorController (e0225e)

Query Metrics

3 Database Queries
3 Different statements
6.73 ms Query time
1 Invalid entities

Grouped Statements

Show all queries

Time Count Info
3.04 ms
SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.address AS address_3, t0.mobile_no AS mobile_no_4, AS email_5, t0.fsc AS fsc_6, t0.weight_perkg AS weight_perkg_7, t0.covid_charge_applicable AS covid_charge_applicable_8, t0.weight_perkg_rate AS weight_perkg_rate_9, t0.first_url AS first_url_10, t0.last_url AS last_url_11, t0.logo AS logo_12, t0.created_at AS created_at_13, t0.modified_at AS modified_at_14, t0.rate_type AS rate_type_15, t0.expedite AS expedite_16, t0.sro AS sro_17, t0.sro_charge AS sro_charge_18, t0.created_by_id AS created_by_id_19, t0.modified_by_id AS modified_by_id_20, t0.user_company_id AS user_company_id_21, t0.account_name_id AS account_name_id_22, t0.expense_account_name_id AS expense_account_name_id_23 FROM courier t0
2.74 ms
SELECT count( AS sclr_0 FROM shipment s0_ LEFT JOIN user u1_ ON s0_.created_by_id = WHERE s0_.accepted = 0
0.95 ms
SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.step AS step_3 FROM tracking_status t0

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
App\Entity\Courier No errors.
App\Entity\User No errors.
App\Entity\UserCompany No errors.
App\Entity\AccountName No errors.
App\Entity\CourierWiseZone No errors.
App\Entity\ZoneWiseMasterRate No errors.
App\Entity\CountryWiseMasterRate No errors.
App\Entity\ZoneWiseSalesRate No errors.
App\Entity\CountryWiseSalesRate No errors.
App\Entity\ZoneWiseCovidCharge No errors.
App\Entity\CountryWiseCovidCharge No errors.
App\Entity\SalesInvoiceDetails No errors.
App\Entity\ZoneWiseCommonSalesRate No errors.
App\Entity\CountryWiseCommonSalesRate No errors.
App\Entity\Packaging No errors.
App\Entity\Shipment No errors.
  • The association App\Entity\SalesOffer#userCompany refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\UserCompany#salesOffers which does not exist.
App\Entity\CandfShipment No errors.
App\Entity\SettingsInfo No errors.
App\Entity\TrackingStatus No errors.
App\Entity\TrackingUpdate No errors.
App\Entity\AddressBook No errors.
App\Entity\ContraVoucher No errors.
App\Entity\PaymentVoucher No errors.
App\Entity\ReceiveVoucher No errors.
App\Entity\SalesInvoice No errors.
App\Entity\Voucher No errors.
App\Entity\Customer No errors.
App\Entity\Blog No errors.
App\Entity\PayableCandfRate No errors.
App\Entity\SalesCandfRate No errors.
App\Entity\CandfSalesInvoice No errors.
App\Entity\LoginHistory No errors.
App\Entity\AccountType No errors.
App\Entity\Bank No errors.
App\Entity\VoucherDetails No errors.
App\Entity\Country No errors.
App\Entity\Zone No errors.
App\Entity\ProductType No errors.
App\Entity\InvoiceAdditionalCharge No errors.
App\Entity\ShipmentPackaging No errors.
App\Entity\PhoneType No errors.
App\Entity\DescribeShipment No errors.
App\Entity\PickupShipment No errors.
App\Entity\ShipmentReference No errors.
App\Entity\ShipmentItems No errors.
App\Entity\DutyPayer No errors.
App\Entity\PaymentOptions No errors.
App\Entity\Services No errors.
App\Entity\FromPhoneDetails No errors.
App\Entity\ToPhoneDetails No errors.
App\Entity\SalesOfferPercentage No errors.
App\Entity\SalesOfferCovid No errors.
App\Entity\Department No errors.
App\Entity\Currency No errors.
App\Entity\CandfAgent No errors.